1-D Training:
1-on-1 hands-on training is available for new users. This Training will include “do's and don'ts”, basic instrument operation (locking, shimming), 1-D acquisition setup (parameter selection and optimization), acquisition, 1-D processing, spectrum integration, and plotting. The training will emphasize 1H and 13C operation and would include training on experiments such as basic 1-D 1H, 13C, and DEPT(Q). Training on other X-nuclei (19F, 31P) including acquisition and processing can be included if desired.
Training on 2-D Experiments:
1-on-1 hands-on training is available for new users in the basic 2-D experiments which would include COSY, DQF-COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, NOESY, HSQC, and HMBC. The training will emphasize 2-D acquisition setup, acquisition, 2-D processing, and plotting. Although the majority of 2-D experiments can be performed by retrieving the appropriate parameter files, knowledge of how to optimize the acquisition parameters is critical. It should be noted that these parameter files will probably be optimal for most samples, they may not be optimal for every sample. Based on need and interest, more extensive training on the optimization of the acquisition setup parameters for 2-D experiments together with more extensive training relating to 2-D data processing can be provided upon request.
Variable Temperature (VT) Measurements:
Specialized training necessary to run the variable temperature experiments is also available.
NMR Manual v4.73 (PDF) (updated 2025)